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Indoor climbing equipment for beginners and advanced climbers! At CCS!

Indoor Climbing

Let's hit the plastic..Indoor climbing…………..what do you need to do this?

When it comes to indoor climbing & bouldering the gear requirements do not really change compared to what you'd need outside. Refer back to the corresponding categories for a more detailed description of the necessary gear.

As a rope climber you won't necessarily need quickdraws indoors, unless you are specifically working on your clipping technique. The helmet is not really necessary indoors either since it mostly protects the belayer from loose rocks that may fall down. As for the climber, you do not see many climbers in the gym with a helmet, but it can still be useful because you never know what kind of fall you'll take and it can always cause you to swing and hit your head on sth.

So here is a brief list of what you'd actually need to climb indoors?

Most gyms will provide a rental service, allowing you to borrow everything you need (at a reasonably cheap price). Once you're hooked, you'll soon want to buy your own kit and that would include:

- climbing shoes

- chalk bag & chalk

- harness

- belay device and quickdraw

- rope (if you plan on lead climbing)

If you are looking to go have some boulder fun indoors, literally all you need are the right shoes and some chalk. No more need for a crashpad since all gyms are equipped with certified mattresses everywhere. 

We are constantly adding to our range of products so we can propose all the right gear you will need during your climbing.

The choices are endless and difficult today so contact our Customer Service or send us a mail to help you choose the right product for your needs. 

Shop online.........more time to climb.

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