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Find the right Belay Glasses for you | Y&Y | Evo Plasfun | @Caspers

Belay Glasses

Belay glasses are meant to reduce belayer neck pain by reducing the angle at which he/she has to look up to keep an eye on the climber. It is super important to always have an eye on the climber to make sure you know when to feed rope, catch a fall or pull rope in, especially during crux moves in the route. 

Without belay glasses, even low-angle climbs can cause neck strain. As routes get steeper, the pain associated with belaying for long periods of time can become acute. Belayer’s neck is a condition where strain on the back and sides of the neck can actually result in injury. Belayer’s neck can be debilitating in extreme cases.

There are several brands on the market all producing good belay glasses, some even have adjustable prisms. 

The choices are endless and difficult today so contact our Customer Service or send us a mail to help you choose the right product for your needs. 

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