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BetaStick EVO - Ultra Long - 113-648 cmclip-sticks
BetaStick EVO - Super Standard - 74-374 cmclip-sticks
BetaStick EVO - Ultra Compact - 55-238 cm
Clip Sticks
In the past few years we see more and more clip sticks being used at the crags but what is it exactly and what is its purpose.
At first I thought using one of these tools is cheating, until I took my first trip to the Frankenjura. A clip stick is a stick you attach a quickdraw to with your rope pre-clipped so that you can safely clip the first bolt should that one be way to high off the ground and a fall would mean a ground fall or a fall onto harsh terrain. In these cases I have learned that a clip stick is not cheating but rather a life saver! You can clip both the rope and quickdraw in or either at a time. This becomes handy on a day at the crag when someone has left draws in for you on a route and you just want to clip the first before climbing.
Furthermore, it is quiet handy when you start climbing harder routes and projecting them. The key to working hard routes is not to try each time from the ground up, you'll lose precious skin and energy you'd actually need to do the crux.
All of the clip sticks featured are basically the same idea. You attach the top carabiner of the quickdraw to the top with the gate held open. The rope clips into the bottom carabiner. Clip the quickdraw to the bolt and pull down.
Our favourite Clip Stick is the Beta Stick Evo which comes in three different sizes:
Compacts to: Extends to reach: Weight:
Ultra Compact 55cm / 1ft 9in 238cm / 7ft 9in 470g / 1lb
Super Standard 74cm / 2ft 5in 374cm / 12ft 3in 635g / 1.4lb
Ultra Long 113cm / 3ft 8in 648cm / 21ft 3in 965g / 2.1lb
The choices are endless and difficult today so contact our Customer Service or send us a mail to help you choose the right product for your needs.
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