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Boulder accessories | Tape, Brushes & more | Specialized Climbing Shop

Bouldering Accessories

What else is required for a successful boulder session either on the rock or indoors?

Additionally to the main equipment such as shoes, crashpad and chalk a boulderer needs one or two more things if he/she wants to get the most out of a session. These are, brushes and tape. These 2 little but very important things can make the difference between flashing a boulder problem and needing a few extra tries, between sending your project, or getting stuck thinking your not strong enough yet.

So it is very important to always have at least one brush with you, ideally a couple of them in different sizes and stiffness, to first of all clean the holds before you give it your try and also very important, especially outdoors in nature, ALWAYS brush the holds when done climbing/bouldering to preserve the rock and keep nature clean.

Tape is advantageous when you notice that your skin on the tips of your fingers gets super thin, when feeling some kind of discomfort inside the fingers or when trying to jam your hand in a crack. Tape comes in different sizes and colours but is generally all the same, find a brand that you like and stick to it. 

The choices are endless and difficult today so contact our Customer Service or send us a mail to help you choose the right product for your needs. 

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