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CHALK aka "powder for the guns" | variety of brands | Dust to Chunky



Chalk is part of the basic climbing equipment, it dries off the athletes hands in order to have a safe grip on the next few moves. Especially during the summer, or just on warm days, chalk can make a difference like day and night. Holding on to slopers or tiny crimps in moist conditions can seem impossible..apply some of the magic powder to the hands and all of a sudden the hand just sticks to the rock. 

At it's core, chalk is chalk, how much could magnesium carbonate vary, after all its a molecule that is always the same.. For some reason the blends of chalk still vary, from super fine powdery chalk to more chunky parts that the athlete crushes with his fingers. Some chalk will last you for 10 moves, other chalk blends might just dry the hands for the next 5 moves. These are details that vary from athlete to athlete and from skin to skin. Chalk reacts differently on each skin type, depends on the outside temperature and probably many tiny factors that cannot always be taken in consideration. It is recommended to try out as many different brands as possible to find one that suits personal needs the best.

Then there is also the option of choosing chalk balls or liquid chalk. Chalk balls are sth like "socks" filled with chalk, they prevent loose chalk falling out of your chalkbag and are generally good for kids to prevent a chalk mess in the bag or car. Liquid chalk is a paste, preventing any chalk particles escaping in the air. Some smaller gyms will only allow liquid chalk to keep the air clean and breathable. 

Chalk was not always part of climbing, in the very beginning it was considered cheating and harmful to the rock your climbing on, especially sandstone. Which is why there exist some climbing sites where chalking is not allowed. 

The choices are endless and difficult today so contact our Customer Service or send us a mail to help you choose the right product for your needs. 

Shop online.........more time to climb.

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  • Loose Chalk
    <p><strong>Loose Chalk</strong></p> <p>Chalk is a delicate subject, there are so many different brands that seem to produce totally different products even though at its base chalk stays chalk. </p> <p>Beside all the different brands, within a brand chalk can still vary from loose chalk to chunky, liquid chalk or even a block of chalk for example. This is a personal preference and won't really make a difference in your climbing game. Some prefer a super fine powder others like to crush chunky chalk bits in their hands.</p> <p>It is best to try out as many brands as possible and eliminate what's not working. </p> <p>The choice is quiet big and can be overwhelming, for a more in depth chat feel free to come down to the shop.</p>
  • Liquid Chalk
    <p><strong>Liquid Chalk</strong></p> <p>Chalk is a delicate subject, there are so many different brands that seem to produce totally different products even though at its base chalk stays chalk. </p> <p>Beside all the different brands, within a brand chalk can still vary from loose to chunky chalk or even liquid chalk. Liquid chalk got quiet popular during these weird pandemic times, some gyms will only allow the use of liquid chalk because it keeps the air cleaner. The use of liquid chalk again is a personal choice, it is definitely good to try it out because it will react differently on each person and you never know it might be just the right blend for you. </p> <p>The choice is quiet big and can be overwhelming, for a more in depth chat feel free to come down to the shop.</p>
  • Chalk Balls
    <p><strong>Chalk ball</strong></p> <p>Chalk is a delicate subject, there are so many different brands that seem to produce totally different products even though at its base chalk stays chalk. </p> <p>Beside all the different brands, within a brand chalk can still vary from fine to chunky chalk, from powder to liquid chalk or from loose to being in a sort of ball (sock). Chalk balls essentially contain the same powder that brands sell as loose, chunky etc but it is contained in a, sometimes refillable, sock. Some people prefer using a chalk ball because the chalk usage seems more controlled. Accidentally kicking over you chalkbag can be a huge mess, but not if you are using a chalk ball.. sometimes we grab into our chalkbag and way to much chalk will stick to our hands, not with a chalkball, always the right amount..  </p> <p>A place where chalk balls are quiet popular too is in schools or wherever kids courses take place. We know how the youngsters are, they will make a mess with loose powder, and a chalkball keeps this to a minimum. </p> <p>The choice is quiet big here too and can be overwhelming, for a more in depth chat feel free to come down to the shop.</p>